Regional Events > Event Planning as a Sadhana

Participating in an event planning team is spiritual sadhana and as such, extremely rewarding.

To add your name to the regional event planning team data base:
•Complete this questionnaire and your name will be added to a regional data base so that you will be contacted when the event (or events) you selected are ready to begin meeting.
•If, at any time, you wish to remove your name from the data base please send your request to regional president, Suzanne Slyman at


Join a Regional Event Planning Team - Questionnaire

We are grateful to devotees for their enthusiasm, energy and time to work as able instruments on the planning teams. To promote a united and harmonious effort, we offer these suggestions for effective co-coordinator/co-lead teams.Suggestions for effective co-coordinator/co-lead teams:

Co-coordinators share equal responsibility and are responsible for overseeing the entire event/project and for keeping track of and supporting the co-lead teams.

Co-coordinators must work together, making decisions jointly.

Co-leads are responsible for overseeing and implementing specific tasks within a project (for example, food, logistics, devotional music, etc.)

Co-leads share equal responsibility in planning and executing the projects related to their task. All decisions regarding their project must be made jointly.

Co-leads are encouraged to coordinate their overall task and allow their team members to take on responsibility for specific tasks.

Co-coordinators and Co-leads are encouraged to openly share information with their teams so that everyone is on the same page.

Team members should be included in the planning process whenever possible.

The procedure for contacting individual centers is as follows:

Event co-coordinators will contact the center presidents and the relevant center officers, introducing your co-lead team and letting them know that they will be contacting the relevant center officer in order to invite their participation in the regional event.

The co-lead team will compose an introductory email that will be reviewed by the event co-coordinators before being sent to the relevant center officer.

Co-leads are required to copy the event co-coordinators, the Regional Devotion Coordinator, Regional President and the relevant regional officer(s) on all communication to the center Presidents and other center officers.
Co-leads are requested to copy the event coordinators on all communications that involve decision-making.

Event co-coordinators need not be copied on the routine exchange of emails that ensure smooth execution of their plan.