New Comers > Newcomers Guidelines


We welcome visitors and newcomers from all faiths and religions, we study religions to understand the underlying unity of all faiths and religions, and we view all spiritual paths with respect. We focus on Sathya Sai Baba because His teachings, our experiences in attempting to put His teachings into practice, our experiences with Him, and the way He lived His life —all these have had a transformative effect on our lives. Visitors to the Center should get an impression of universality and a loving environment. The meeting place, the meeting itself, and the way the person is welcomed should help reinforce that impression.


Some important points about welcoming visitors

• Visitors may attend any activity of the Devotion or Service Wings.
• Have certain people assigned the task of welcoming visitors, perhaps a Welcoming Committee. Members chosen for this task should be open minded; have a broad vision of religious and spiritual subjects; have relevant knowledge of Sathya Sai Baba’s message, teachings, and works; have good knowledge of the workings of the Organization; and have a welcoming, positive demeanor.
• Welcoming should allow for mutual acquaintance. The visitor may be requested to tell when and how they happened to learn about Sai Baba, why they approached the Center, and what their expectations are. Welcoming members should offer some explanations on the behavioral rules and habits internal to the Center and give essential information about the structure and aims of Sathya Sai International Organization.
• All members of the Center should be aware of visitors and help them with where to sit, how to find devotional songs in the songbook, the nature of a study circle, etc. or answer any question they may have.
• The Center or the presiding body should have a Newcomers Booklet, and it should be available to hand out to visitors, along with other appropriate booklets, pamphlets, and videos
• Depending on the number of visitors, the Center may establish a weekly, biweekly, or monthly Visitors Session, perhaps 1⁄2 hour before or after a devotion meeting, in which the fundamental principles of Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings can be discussed, and also the purpose and structure of the Sathya Sai International Organization..
• Members should avoid proselytizing, asking a visitor to become a member, flaunting personal rewarding experiences, and showing off bookish knowledge and learning.
• The welcoming function does not include spontaneous offering of vibuthi and photos to the visitors

- Operations Manual for Centers and Groups of the International Sathya Sai Organization

How do we make our center open and welcoming to all members of our communities ?

Sai Baba Centers must be examples of the universality of Sai teachings. They must be conscious of the local environment they operate in, and they must promote a congenial, loving, and mutually supportive environment for all attendees. Newcomers should not feel that they are entering a “cultish” environment. The actual number of attendees or ethnic composition of a center is irrelevant.

Avoid giving the impression to others that they are “preaching”. Sathya Sai Baba says, “My life is My message.” Strive to follow that example so that we make others aware of Sathya Sai Baba and His message only by putting His teachings into practice and through practical example.

Some recommendations:
• Welcome western newcomers with a smile and a hand- shake, rather than “namaste” or “Sai Ram”, to make them feel comfortable.
• Offer a written program to everyone as they come into the center.
• Make song sheets or songbooks available to all.
• Do some singing in the language of the local culture.
• Include universally accepted prayers from different religions.
• Offer translations of songs, prayers, etc. if they are not in English.
• Emphasize activities, such as service and study circle, that transcend cultural differences.
• Allow time to introduce newcomers (e.g. a simple go-round of first names at the beginning of study circle).
• Provide a balance of western and eastern food items during potluck gatherings.
• Give newcomers a copy of the Council-approved Newcomers Guide.

Centers can introduce Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings on spirituality and human values to the local community through occasional meetings that are open to the public. Center members can bring friends or coworkers who may be interested in knowing more about Sathya Sai Baba. These meet- ings can focus on His teachings and their practice in daily life. The devotional programs at these meetings can be made up of prayers and devotional songs that are universal in nature, reflect Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings, and are in a language that is dominant in the local community (e.g. English or Spanish). The meetings could feature a speaker, who introduces Sathya Sai Baba and His teachings and answers questions. Approved books can be made available through the center library for those interested in knowing more.
- FAQs Sathya Sai Organization of the United States

How can we best welcome newcomers and help new members, who may still have much to learn about Swami and his teachings?

“Office bearers in this Organization are leaders who bear the brunt themselves, guides who walk along a path they wish others to take. They shall not command or punish; they can only persuade or advise.”
Loving common sense must be the guideline here.
Some recommendations:
• Provide a copy of the comprehensive newcomer booklet adopted by the USA Council.
• Have ushers available at the center to greet newcomers, guide them, and seat men and women separately.
• The ushers must have read the newcomer’s information booklet themselves and be ready to answer questions with love and patience.
• Make sure that a designated Center member is available following the program so that newcomers have the opportunity to ask questions or get clarifications.
• Hold periodic (monthly or quarterly) orientation meetings to help newcomers/members understand the organizational setup and the guidelines. Explain the rationale behind the guidelines as well as the various practices at the Centers and their significance. An officer may be able to cite an appropriate quote from Sathya Sai Baba that will answer a newcomer’s question.
• If a newcomer does not adhere to the procedures recommended by our Guidelines, for example, if they are inappropriately dressed, have children who are causing disturbance, do not maintain silence, or repeatedly speak out inappropriately during study circle, a Center officer can gently take the person aside at the end of the program and make a suggestion. Usually, a gentle request will suffice. Be mindful of cultural differences in interpreting the guidelines.
- FAQs Sathya Sai Organization of the United States


A Brief Introduction to Sathya Sai Baba and His Teachings
Sai Organization - Brochure for New Comers
Guidelines for Sai Centers to Develope and Informational Hand-out/Brochure About Local Center Activities


Recommended Books
1. The Vahini Series (written by Sathya Sai Baba), Gita Vahini (writings on the Bhagavad Gita), Prema Vahini (writings on Divine Love)
Dharma Vahini (writings on Morality), Jnana Vahini (writings on Wisdom), Dhyana Vahini (writings on Meditation)
2. Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 1 – 35 (Five decades of discourses by Sathya Sai Baba)
3. Summer Showers Series (Spiritual discourses by Sathya Sai Baba given to college students during summer courses, 1972–2000)
4. Sathyam Sivam Sundaram, Parts 1-5 (Series on the Life of Sai Baba)
5. My Baba and I, by J. Hislop
6. Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, by J. Hislop
7. Loving God, by Professor N. Kasturi
8. Pathways to God, Volumes 1 to 3, by Jonathon Roof
9. Sai Navratnamala (Nine Gems), by A. Adivi Reddy
10. Journey to Sathya Sai Baba A Visitor’s Guide, by Valmai Worthington
11. Essence of Divinity, by Elaine Gries
12. Finding God, by Charles Penn
13. Sai Baba, Holy Man and the Psychiatrist, by Samuel Sandweiss.
14. Sai Baba, Man of Miracles, by Howard Murphet
15. Sai Baba, the Ultimate Experience, by Phyllis Krystal


Recommended websites
International Sai Organization
U.S Sai Organization
Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust - India
Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust, Publications - India
Swami's discourses and writings, with a search engine
Radio Sai Global Harmony
Saicast streaming videos
Sai Love in Action
Path of Transformation
Regional Website (Region 7 California & Nevada)