Study Circle

The Proper Plan of Study
Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba tells us that the spiritual growth of a person is best achieved through an integrated practice of devotion, study, and service. The study circle brings many benefits to participants. The primary benefit is the acquisition of Self-knowledge.


Study Circle Guidelines
Study Circle: A Tool for Transformation - from Chapter 1 of Jonathan Roof's book, Pathways to God


What is the proper plan of study? Swami answers this question as follows:

“This is the proper plan of study—reading, reflection, and regular application in life. Study is work. Inquiry into the value and applicability of what is studied is worship. The experience of the validity and value of practice is wisdom.”

“Not information, but transformation, not instruction but construction should be the aim. Theoretical knowledge is a burden, unless it is practiced, when it can be lightened into wisdom and assimilated into daily life. Knowledge that does not give harmony and wholeness to the process of living is not worth acquiring. Every activity must be rendered valid and worthwhile by its contribution to the discovery of Truth, both of the Self and of nature.”
Sathya Sai Baba Sathya Sai Speaks, IX, p.56