Devotion Program >Resources > Prayers > Omakaram

"There are two roads to fulfillment: prayer and meditation. Prayer makes you a supplicant at the feet of God. Meditation (dhyana) induces God to come down to you and inspires you to raise yourselves to Him; it tends to make you come together, not place one in a lower level and the other on a higher." Sathya Sai Speaks V, 'Lamps Lit from the Same Flame'


Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Guidance on Meditation


Jyothi Meditation Resources

Jyothi Meditation by Dr Jumsai
Jyothi Meditation - Alternate Version


If you are adoring God in any form now, try to visualize that form in the all-pervasive light. For Light is God; God is Light. "Practice this meditation as I have advised regularly every day. At other times repeat the name of God (any Name fragrant with any of His many Majesties), always taking care to be conscious of His might, mercy, and munificence." Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol X (Old edition, pages 348-350)