Our versatile and talented speakers have had the good fortune of being directly mentored by Bhagawan and are blessed with many divine interactions throughout their lives.

Mrs. Lakshmi Raman

Lakshmi was a student at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning from 1996 to 2001, where she pursued her B.A. and M.A. in English Language and Literature. She received a gold medal from Swami for standing university first in the undergraduate program. She was also blessed with a trophy from Bhagawan for winning maximum awards in extracurricular cultural competitions in 1999. Lakshmi is passionate about music and has had the opportunity to sing in the Divine presence during Akhand Bhajans and Shivaratri bhajans, as well as other music programs.

The seeds for excellence in academics and devotion were sown several decades ago, as Lakshmi’s maternal family were devotees since the late 1960s. Her mother was a student at the first Summer Course started by swami in 1972 and was a Bal Vikas teacher and Seva Dal volunteer for many years. Lakshmi is a Speech-language Pathologist with the Collierville Schools in Memphis, Tennessee. She actively participates in service projects, bhajans and SSE programs in the Sai Center. She firmly believes that whoever she is today is solely due to the grace and love of Bhagawan.

Mrs. Anuradha Venkateswaran

Anuradha is fortunate to be born in a family whose association with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba goes back over 55 years. With Swami’s grace Anu secured admission at the Anantapur Campus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in 1992, and graduated with a BSc degree in Physics in 1995. After migrating to the United States in 1998, she continued to be actively involved in all wings of the Sai Organization. Among the many hats she wears as a mother of 2 teenage children, Anu is also a SSE Teacher in Atlanta and a strong advocate of the Young Adult Program.

Anuradha has been blessed with numerous opportunities to speak about Bhagawan’s glory at Sai Centers and Regions across the country, including the Women’s Mini Retreat in Region 7. For the past 20 years, Anuradha has served in various capacities in the private sector including Banking and Telecom. Currently, she is self-employed and loves the freedom to pursue her true passion, which is to be involved in Swami’s work.

Mrs. Sudha Subramaniam

Sudha’s grandparents had their first darshan of Swami in Venkatagiri in the 60s and were immediately convinced of the Truth of His presence and love. Since then the family grew in their devotion to the Lord and dedication to His mission.

Sudha joined the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning for her Bachelor Degree in Chemistry. After graduation, she pursued and successfully completed her Masters in Computer Application. Sudha currently works as a Senior Software Developer. She is a member of the Miami Sai Center. Sudha has taught SSE and actively participated in cultural programs during regional retreats.