Devotion Guidelines

Devotional singing is an earnest offering to our Beloved Swami. Let us all come together and offer our very best in a united fashion and please our Swami who is present in all. All devotees are strongly encouraged to bear the following points in mind before choosing bhajans for Opening and Closing Prayers, Center slots and SSE.

  • Practice is mandatory for Opening/Closing Prayers and SSE slots.
  • Please choose simple bhajans that are easy to follow for devotees with Indian or non-Indian background.
  • Preferably sing namasmarana type bhajans as they are melodious to hear and follow.
  • Include English bhajans - they are as devotional as bhajans in any other language.
  • Please render bhajans that are often sung at your centers.
  • No preludes/aalaps, crescendos to the bhajans.
  • For bhajans that have more than 6 lines, please sing only once in first and second speeds.
  • Please follow the words projected. Adding new lines/phrases during the offering is not recommended.
  • Musicians - Please tune your instruments ahead of your center slot outside of the bhajan hall.
  • Please be present in the bhajan hall at least one hour ahead of your center slot and one hour after the center slot.